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Advanced Dentistry Blog

Serving Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township and surrounding areas of Michigan

13 Things Your Dentist Wants You to Know

posted by Rochester Advanced Dentistry at 11:54 AM 0 comments

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a condition that results in the loss of bone around the teeth. If left untreated it can lead to tooth loss and contribute to numerous health problems including heart disease, preterm low weight babies and stroke.
Causes/ contributing factors of periodontal disease include: -poor oral hygiene -smoking -genetic factors -diabetes -osteoporosis -occlusal disease -faulty dental restorations
How is periodontal disease diagnosed?
A periodontal screening should be conducted at every dental appointment. A documentation of the current status of your teeth and the surrounding structures is noted. We carefully measure the bone support and tissue height around each tooth allowing us to identify any abnormal changes as soon as possible allowing us to intervene and stop any further changes.
Patients may notice bleeding gum tissue, bad breath or loose teeth.
Treatment options for periodontal disease: -More frequent cleanings/ deep cleanings -Laser treatments -Gum surgery If you would like any additional information about laser cleanings please contact Rochester Advanced Dentistry 248.656.2020

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posted by Rochester Advanced Dentistry at 4:05 AM 0 comments

Healthy teeth are important to your child's overall health. From the time your child is born, there are things you can do to promote healthy teeth. For babies, you should clean teeth with a soft, clean cloth or baby's toothbrush. Avoid putting the baby to bed with a bottle and check teeth regularly for spots or stains. For all children, you should * Brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste * Provide healthy foods and limit sweet snacks and drinks * Provide low-fat milk and dairy products high in calcium * Schedule regular dental check-ups Forming good habits at a young age can help your child have healthy teeth for life. For additional information contact Rochester Advanced Dentistry 248.656.2020

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posted by Rochester Advanced Dentistry at 11:13 AM 0 comments

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433 W. University Dr. Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 656-2020

Disclaimer: Rochester Advanced Dentistry's website provides information on Cosmetic Dentistry in Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township, Troy, Shelby, Oakland County and Macomb County, Michigan. This information is not to be taken as medical advice.