+1 248 656-2020

Advanced Dentistry Blog

Serving Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township and surrounding areas of Michigan

Maximizing 2009 Insurance Dollars

Knowledge of dental benefits that are available to you as a patient is important. The annual maximum refers to the amount of dollars that the insurance company will pay each year. This maximum is individual to each person on the policy. If your maximum has a calendar year renewal, it is crucial to know what benefits you have remaining as the year comes to a close. If these benefits are unused, they will not rollover to the new year. Therefore, if you have any unscheduled treatment with us, it is best to schedule before January 2010 to minimize your out of pocket expense. It is also important to keep in mind what you may have available through any flexible spending plans that could be utilized. Our business team can help you maximize your benefits remaining for the year by coming up with the most beneficial and cost effective treatment plan. We will be happy to assist you and to help you schedule an appointment before the year is over.

posted by Rochester Advanced Dentistry at 5:40 AM 0 comments

Facial Pain and TMD

Chronic facial pain that has no clear physical connection to trauma or disease can often be associated with temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. This loosely associated group of maladies is tied to problems with the temporomandibular joint. Many physicians who are not specially trained to treat your facial pain may simply prescribe pain medication. A neuromuscular dentist, however, is trained to diagnose and treat any of the causes of TMD to help permanently relieve facial pain, jaw, neck and shoulder pain. There is no one cause of TMD, but the underlying problem is a misalignment of one or possibly both sides of your jaw. The jaw joints are meant to work in unison; if one side is out of alignment, a chain reaction can be caused leading to inflammation and various other problems. Some causes of TMD include:

  • Malocclusion
  • Trauma
  • Arthritis
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Stress

Once the underlying cause is determined, fixing the underlying cause of the problem treats the disorder. If you are missing teeth on one side of your mouth and it is causing your bite to be off, a dental implant, or instant orthodontics may be used to straighten things out again. Bruxism and stress that causes you to constantly clench your teeth or set your jaw can be relaxed with physical therapy or dental appliances in order to reduce the stress on the TMJ. Chronic facial pain sufferers should seek an experienced neurological dentist for a consultation even if the facial pain does not seem to be related to TMD. Only a trained TMD physician is able to pinpoint and accurately treat TMD. Please contact the TMD specialists at Rochester Advanced Dentistry today to find out more about your TMD treatment options.

posted by Anonymous at 9:37 AM 0 comments

Changing lives

A great service that our office offers are life changing smile make overs. One story that sticks out in my head was that of a patient that was told by one of her previous dentists that she looked like a "porpoise."Susan had very flaired teeth that made her lip stick out. She has been a long term patient of ours and we have discussed redoing her teeth many times. It wasn't until recently that she finally decided to have her teeth done. We addressed Susan's upper teeth and gave her a new beautiful smile. Susan and her husband were thrilled with the results, and both had wished that she had done it much sooner. Susan now can not stop smiling .

posted by Rochester Advanced Dentistry at 6:43 AM 0 comments

When is fluoride neccessary?

When should we use fluoride? Fluoride is recommended to be taken orally up until the age of nine years old. Up until that age the permanent teeth are still forming but have not necessarily all erupted. Before your dentist determines the amount of fluoride necessary, we recommend you have your water tested to determine the amount of naturally occurring fluoride in your water. A fluoride supplement taken orally will help strengthen the enamel during those crucial years. After the teeth have completely formed and begin to erupt it is more beneficial to do a topical fluoride rinse as part of their daily home care. Children will also be given a prescription strength fluoride rinse at their routine dental visits with the hygienist. At that time your dentist will recommend a prescription fluoride rinse or an over the counter fluoride rinse for daily use at home.

posted by Rochester Advanced Dentistry at 4:54 AM 0 comments

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433 W. University Dr. Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 656-2020

Disclaimer: Rochester Advanced Dentistry's website provides information on Cosmetic Dentistry in Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township, Troy, Shelby, Oakland County and Macomb County, Michigan. This information is not to be taken as medical advice.