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Serving Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township and surrounding areas of Michigan

Pure Power Mouth Guard™ Improves Alignment and Performance

The Pure Power Mouth Guard™ is an exciting innovation in neuromuscular dentistry that helps to keep the jaw in its optimal position, thereby improving balance, vertebrae alignment, and upper body strength. The PPM™ is being used by athletes all over the country and is resulting in marked improvement in athletic performance in many different sports.

How is this different from conventional mouthguards?

Conventional mouthguards are ONLY meant to protect a person from injury to their teeth. No attention is paid to how a person’s lower jaw contacts it. The resulting jaw position is often very strained and can hinder an athlete’s upper body strength, balance, flexibility, and range of motion. The traditional “boil and bite” mouthguards actually can place a person into an even more strained posture than with no mouthguard at all. The arbitrary bite that these appliances place an athlete into can reduce their body’s efficiency resulting in poorer performance.

The Pure Power Edge and Pure Power Mouthguard are orthopedic jaw positioning appliances, not mouthguards. Although, they can serve to protect an athlete against dental trauma and concussions, their primary function is to place a person into his/her most relaxed and idealized jaw position. When a person’s jaw is in its most ideal, muscularly comfortable position, the upper cervical spine is in perfect alignment and the upper torso muscles will function at their maximum potential. With the body working at this increased efficiency, an athlete will experience an increase in balance, flexibility, strength, and range of motion. This is based completely on science.

How is a person’s optimal jaw position found?

Drs. Doolin and Haddad are certified Pure Power Mouth Guard™ dentists who are able to determine your best possible jaw position through computerized tracking of your jaw and using a TENS machine (Transcutaneous Electro Neural Stimulation) to relax your facial muscles.

The TENS machine helps to relax your facial and jaw muscles allowing them to assume their most balanced, non-stressed posture. Then with computerized jaw tracking and measuring of your muscle activity, Drs Doolin and Haddad will determine your proper jaw position, based solely on your own body’s physiology. Your PPM™ is fitted returning your muscles to this optimal position when the appliance is in your mouth. When your PPM™ is in and your jaw is in its optimal position, the muscles surrounding the area are no longer stressed, giving you a comfortable bite, improved balance, and increased upper body strength.

What is the difference between the Pure Power Edge and the Pure Power Mouthguard?

Pure Power Edge
Pure Power Edge
There are two versions of Pure Power Appliances
. Your doctor creates an appliance designed for non-impact sports like baseball, golf, soccer, and weight lifting that is worn on the lower jaw. This is called the Pure Power Edge (Displayed on the left). This device is also used while training for impact sports, because it is less cumbersome than the upper appliance PPM. Drs Doolin and Haddad will determine your proper jaw position, based solely on your own body’s physiology. Your Pure Power Edge is fitted returning your muscles to this optimal position when the appliance is in your mouth. When your PPM™ is in and your jaw is in its optimal position, the muscles surrounding the area are no longer stressed, giving you a comfortable bite, improved balance, and increased upper body strength.

Pure Power Edge
The Pure Power Mouthguard
The second type of appliance, called the Pure Power Mouthguard (Displayed on the right), is designed for impact sports like football, hockey, lacrosse and the martial arts, and protects against impact trauma to the teeth and concussion injuries. While protecting your teeth and jaw, it is also designed to hold your jaw in its most relaxed and comfortable position, allowing your upper torso muscles to work at their maximum potential, resulting in increases in range of motion, flexibility, and strength.

Neuromuscular dentistry is area of dentistry that strives to alleviate headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, clicking or popping noises of the jaw, and ringing of the ears by achieving better alignment of the jaw. Misalignment of the bite is known as “malocclusion” and can be very painful. Neuromuscular dentistry focuses on the connection between jaw muscles and joints and your posture.

If you have been diagnosed with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), then you are very familiar with the above-mentioned painful symptoms and you have known, perhaps, decades of painful jaw movement. Now, there is another treatment option available to you.

Dr. Kurt Doolin and Dr. Jeff Haddad are certified Pure Power Mouth Guard™ dentists who are able to determine your best possible jaw position using computerized tracking of your jaw with a TENS machine (Transcutaneous Electro Neural Stimulation).

To learn more about the PPM™, please contact our Rochester, Michigan dental office (North of Detroit) today to schedule your initial consultation.

posted by Anonymous at 8:18 AM


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